In the middle of the 80‘s, some breeders of the valley thought to gather pig producers on this land of charcuterie of Haut-Taravo in order to join their forces and their ways of production.
So, today, seven pig breeders of Taravo share and make live the cooperative workshop of charcuterie “A Talavese” in the small village of Guittera. Even if the workshop is very modern, the know-how remains very ancestral and is in the long tradition of charcuterie of the valley.
“Pay attention, we do not produce industrial charcuterie. We exactly apply the same technique of making and of repining those other independent producers. Our technical ways allow us to work more, insist the seven producers. And to follow in the same direction “The big volume treated is rigorously compatible with the specification of AOP, all the pigs are from Corsican race and grow up in open air (outdoor). Eating acorns and chestnuts of the valley. So, our products have anything to envy at other charcuteries which have the label PDO” Everything is said !
Reception : From November to March, monday and tuesday / From April to August by appointment.