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How to classify your tourist accommodation?

Are you the owner? Do you want to classify your furnished accommodation?
We are here to guide and support you in your approach.

What is a furnished accommodation?

Furnished tourist accommodation is furnished villas, apartments or studios rented to passing customers who stay there by the day, week or month and who do not take up residence there.

Classified or not, furnished accommodation must be declared to the town hall.
Deer n°1404*04

Reminder of the legal context: Law n° 2009-888 of July 22, 2009, on the development and modernization of tourist services and decrees n° 2009-1652 of December 23, 2009 applying the law, have redefined the tourist accommodation. The decree of August 2, 2010 and the decree of May 7, 2012 complete this system and set the standards and the procedure for classifying furnished tourist accommodation with the furnished tourist accommodation classification reference system. The Assembly of Corsica adopted on June 24, 2010 the procedures relating to the classification of tourist facilities. The final decision rests with the President of the Executive Council of Corsica who replaces the Prefect by establishing by decree the decision of classification (or declassification) after verification on documents by the Corsica Tourism Agency of the completeness of the file.

The classification, an official guarantee of quality

To take into account new customer requirements, the star rating of furnished tourist accommodation has evolved, including in particular criteria related to sustainable development and digitization. The decree of November 24, 2021 applicable since February 1, 2022 set the standards and the classification procedure for furnished tourist accommodation.

The classification is not mandatory for renting, but it is strongly recommended because it has several advantages:

A tax reduction of 71% instead of 50%
A commitment to the quality of your accommodation for your customers (from 1 to 5 stars)
A Tourist Tax adapted to your accommodation
A free publication on the Corsica Tourism Agency website
A validity of 5 years attributed in Corsica by the President of the Executive Council of Corsica

How to be classified?

5 steps to reach the stars!

I contact the Intercommunal Tourist Office of Taravo Ornano, an organization approved by the French accreditation committee “AFNOR” to make an appointment with Josephine Marcucci on 06 38 30 44 29
or by E-mail :

I complete and send all the documents to download below which includes (3 files):

Your file will be considered complete when it includes the regulations for the classification visit plus all the documents duly completed and signed.

I pay by check or bank transfer.
(Check payable to OTI Taravo Ornano Trésor Public)

Once payment has been made, the Classification Service will contact you to set the date of the visit and will provide you with an invoice paid on the day of the visit.

You will receive a professional who will carry out the visit of your rental, in your presence or that of your representative. For any scheduled visit, in case of impediment please notify 48 hours in advance.

I receive within 1 month maximum the report of visit with the proposal of decision of classification.

I have 15 days to possibly refuse the decision. After this time, the classification is acquired.

Your official classification is pronounced for a period of 5 years.


428, Boulevard Marie-Jeanne Bozzi, 20166 Porticcio
Phone : 04 95 25 10 09
Mail :

Cost of the service

1 to 3 rooms: €220
4 to 5 pieces and more: €270

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+33 4 95 25 10 09