Today, Françoise Cianfarani led with a master’s hand her exploitation of sheep, but it is with Antoine-Dominique that it began. “I was a pig breeder but a terrible fire in the 80’s decimated all the beasts, we have thought about it and decided to start on a new basis : we would change the kind of breeding, François would be responsible of it”, explains Antoine Dominique.
We can say that François could take up the challenge with brio and determination, even if she knows she can receive her husband’s help, Françoise led the flock and the making of cheese and the management of the lodgings. We have to say today, she is efficiently helped by her daughter who executes all the tasks of the exploitation, without forgetting her role of young mother, “even if this job is not always easy, we are happy that she takes the following. We feel that we work for something” says the couple with happiness and pride in the voice.
Reception : By appointment / From January to June : Production of “brocciu” in the morning ; sale of “brocciu” and cheese. / July-August : sale of cheese