Polyphonic songs

Polyphonic concert with L'Eternu

Take advantage of your stay to attend a polyphonic concert with L’Eternu. The Eternu is a polyphonic ensemble born in 1997. It is made up of singers from several musical backgrounds born from the “Riacquistu”. Its members all come from a Scola di Cantu di Natale Luciani, a school of reference in Corsican singing, and have proven stage experience, acquired with formations such as Canta u Populu Corsu, the men’s choir of Sartène or Alte Voce. L’Eternu is the eternal, both in its love and passion for singing the story of its island, and in preserving the link of a musical culture transmitted through both orality and writing. modern and traditional that has emerged over the past forty years. Each concert of L’Eternu is an invitation to travel, for an evening, to the heart of the history, traditions and values ​​of the Island of Beauty, and to share everything that makes the character so unique of Corsica. Its singers introduce you to its many facets through a repertoire borrowing from sacred or secular polyphonic songs, traditional and popular Corsican songs or compositions from the most emblematic island groups.
Price: 20€
Free for under 15s
Ticket office on site from 5:30 p.m.


Saint Jean François Régis church

October 17 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Saint Jean Baptiste church

October 22 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


Sant’Antonu church

October 9 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.


Polyphonic concert with Jean Paul Poletti and the Sartene Choir

Come discover or rediscover the emblematic polyphonic songs of Corsica through the polyphonic concert of Jean Paul POLETTI's group and the Sartène choir.

Made up of 6 men, in the Corsican musical universe, the Choir holds an atypical place, its classically trained singers giving a particular sound to traditional polyphony.

Price: 20€
Free for under 15s

Ticket office on site from 5:30 p.m.


Saint Jean François Régis church

October 24 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.


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